SelichotStarting 2nd Elul till 9 Tishri, Selichot (supplications) are said in the morning before Shacharit and in the evening after the amida. Selichot are not said on Shabbat and not on Rosh Hashana. If there is no minjan, we skip the 13 midot, but not the Aramaic texts. Congregants must stand during the 13 Middot (Thirteen Attributes of Mercy ויעבור וסלחת) and the Vidui (אשמנו בגדנו...). (downloable version of this page) Selichot in the eveningSaying
Selichot in the evening is done in Western Sephardi communities like Amsterdam,
London and New York. See on this minhag Keter
Shem Tob volume 6 page 13. These
selichot were apparently already printed in 1662 by David de Castro Tartas in a
booklet called On
workdays, Selichot are
said after the amida, before יהי
שם on page 97. Recordings: AAV supplement to NN tape 2 (full recording) & NN tape 2a
(*) only if there is minjan
Selichot in the morningOn workdays, Selichot are said before the tefilla. As it is already day, we put on tallit and tefillin before the Selichot. During the Yeme Teshuba (3-9 Tishri) the shofar is blown in the Selichot. Mind there is no shofar blowing in Elul, in contrast to the Ashkenazim, who blow in Elul, but not in the Yeme Teshuba. Congregants may be seated, but not during the 13 midot. Recordings: AAV supplement to NN tape 24 (full recording bakashot, selichot part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4) and DZB (full recording) and various NN
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