In 1975 Shimon Alveres Vega (SAV), alias "grote Simon", made a number of recordings, as can be found on the site of the national Library of Israel.. This sites brings five recordings, but one is twice the same and one is not from SAV but wrongly labeled as such.

Note: the pronunciation is not 100% correct. Simon adopted the 'chet' pronunciation as coming from the throat. We don't do that.
Further, from time to time he pronounces the 'gimel' without dageesh as a normal 'gimel', whilst we pronounce it as a 'chet'. Sometimes the 'vet' without dagesh is pronounced as 'vet', whilst we pronounce it as 'bet', as if it has a dagesh. And finally, we pronounce the 'ayin' as a "ng", like  in 'king". Simon is not consistent in these. See more on pronunciation on this site.

Rosh Hashana NLI code 990002414550205171
Yom Kipur (mailny Kol Nidre) NLI code 990002414560205171
Tora reading (parasa) and kidush for Shabbat NLI code 990002413300205171

Recordings SAV nr 1 complete recording:  ראש השנה, יום כפור הקלטת סקר.mp3
Regardless the title, this part has only Rosh hashana recordings.


Rosh Hashana


Arvit, starting ויאכילהו 24 אחות קטנה
Arvit 24 קדיש לעילא
The chazzan doesn't repeat the last verse as in the recording. Rather he signs this text (see NN tale 24 minutw 29:35):
אלה שלוש עשרי לעקרים יסוד תורת משה ונבואתו
25-33 ערבית .... יגדל
Shacharit, alternative melody (not used as such today) 45 הודו
Shacharit, normal melody 45 הודו
Shofar 90 עת שערי רצון
Shofar 92 ה' בקול שופר
Shofar 93 עלה אלקים ... ברכות

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Recordings SAV nr 2 complete recording: יום כפור הקלטת סקר.mp3
The recordings comprise Kol Nidre and a small part of the day. Probably not all recordings were found.




Arvit 9 שמע קולי
Arvit 11 כל נדרי
Arvit 23 תפלה לדוד
Selichot, similar for all tefillot 24 י"ג מידות
Selichot, similar for all tefillot 24 בדיל ויעבור
Selichot, similar for all tefillot 27 חטאנו צורנו
Selichot, similar for all tefillot 28 עננו אלקי אברהם עננו
Selichot, similar for all tefillot 28 ה' חננו והקימנו
Selichot, similar for all tefillot 30 אלקינו שבשמים
Selichot, similar for all tefillot. According to NN (tape 29 minute 14:40) this is recited silently 32 אל תעש עמנו כלה
Selichot, similar for all tefillot 32 אשמנו בגדנו
Vidui arvit (melody is used for all tefillot) 33 רבונו של עולם
Selichot, similar for all tefillot 35 אדיר ונאור
Closing kadish, similar for all tefillot 36 קדיש תענו
Shacharit, similar for all tefillot 48 שתי ברכות ראשונות עמידה

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Recordings SAV nr 3 complete recording: קריאות במקרא.mp3
This recording is mainly about Tora reading (parasa) and haftara, but also has some other topics.




Calling a person to the Tora (parasa) קריאת העולה
Beracha before the reading of the Tora ברכות התורה לפני הקריאה
Some Tora reading פרשת בא, חמישי
Beracha after the reading of the Tora ברכות התורה אחרי הקריאה
Some Tora reading with shira in "high na'um" במדבר יד-טו עד טז-כו
Shema, as sung during shacharit on shabbat and yom tov. The other two pars are also sung on the melody of the Tora reading שמע
Shema on Qipur evening and morning שמע, ברוך שם
Some Tora reading with "high na'um" במדבר יח--יג עד נד
Tora reading chatan bereshit, only the first day בראשית - יום ראשון
Beracha before the reading of the haftara ברכות לפני ההפטרה
A haftara ההפטרת שבת הגדול
Go'alenu after haftara גואלנו אחרי ההפטרה
Beracha after the reading of the haftara ברכות אחרי ההפטרה
Nevi'im with special melody for Limud מלאכי ג ד-יא
Kidush Friday night 122 קידוש ליל שבת
Hamotsi 122 המוציא
Kidush Shabbat morning 145 קידוש שבת בבוקר

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