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Seder Chazzanut
Various chazzanut clips
Prayer books (tefillot)
Contributors of content

I undertook the project to create a multi-media seder chazzanut in 2005 with the expectation to finish it within a reasonable amount of time. For various reasons the progress is slow. One reason is that it is just not easy to capture the details. Furthermore, over time I realized there is more to it than expected.

The chazzanim and shamashim who wrote their seder chazzanut mainly wrote it for their own usage and that of their successors. Many details are missing either because they were so obvious that writing them down was not needed, or because they happened outside the regular service and thus not needed for them. The same is true for the recordings. Here parts are also missing because they were outside the service, forgotten or got lost.

In order to safeguard all the material I gathered, I placed all texts and recordings on this page. Hopefully, more and more will be explained in details in dedicated pages, as done for parts of the site which are ready. These pages have some extra recordings which are not part of the "all material' collection.

Even though you will find corrections on seder chazzanut and the recordings, this is by no means to disqualify the people who put tremendous efforts in place to make them. On the contrary, without their effort our unique nosach (liturgical custom) would probably completely be lost after this generation, as we unfortunately see in other places. We are extremely grateful to them for their documenting in writing and recording.

List name abbreviations of contributors.


If you apply some logic, you can use translate tools to read the Dutch texts.
Some notes for the Samaas (in Dutch).
Seder Chazzanut Brandon (1892 in Dutch) as published by Jaap Meijer in Encyclopaedia Sefardica Neerlandica in 1948 with annotations (NN)
Index for Seder Chazzanut as published by Jaap Meijer above
Original Index for recordings NN page 1 & page 2; typed version: original & sorted by tape number
Contents of the Tapes with Hazan Nabarro's Recordings  of Amsterdam Sephardic Hazanut with annotations & supplements (AAV)
"Hoog en Laag in Chazzanoet" (Dutch, AAV)
Portuguese minhagim (customs, in Dutch, SRP) and copy of original
Ouderkerk Mistwah (levaya) ( LAV) in Dutch
Hashcava texts: long for men, short for men and women 
Ouderkerk Matsewa ( LAV) (original manuscript and typed in Dutch)
Queens/Kings day & Jom Hatasmaut (remark HRP: "voor" must be "after") DZB in Dutch, see more on this
Hatarat nedarim (source unknown)
Erub Chatzerot (source unknown)
Hagada 1859 & Hagada 1893 for Pesach (new pdf)
Program Limud bar Mistwa (HRP)
Neginot, belong to NN Tape 23
Errata to tefillot Kippur, reprint 1995
Hashcavot for Rosh Chodesh & mincha ta'anit (copy), and a typed version
Titles for Hashcavot
Tefillah for the husband when his wife enters the 3rd and 9th month of pregnancy (Tefillot Mulder 1857 page 162). This is read silently. 
When the wife enters the 9th month of her pregnancy, the husband gets Abrira, and in fron otf the open hechal he says silently a special tefila (Tefillot Mulder 1857 page 163)
Manuscript Limud at Meldadura (on the “Yahrtzeit”), written by A. de Mendes, 1880
"Wij Portugezen", poem in Dutch written before the war by Abraham Alvares Vega.
Sections of the book Eyov (Job), as read at the end of Shacharit on the fast of 9 Av, see SH page 183 right column, end 2nd paragraph.
Inauguration of a Sepher Torah
Hochmat Shelomoh, Torah cantillations (MRP) intro and annotations.
List of all used Tefillot (prayer books)
ברכת החמה anonymous note found in original manuscript of Seder Hazanut by O. Brandon. It is dated to the period between 1925-1953. It is written on the back of an unused form from the NIHS (Amsterdam Ashkenazi community). so it may be Ashenazi as well.
Humash Piza (חומש עזרת הסופר) full scan
Kippur 2020 during Corona (Dutch article, JBS)
Tefillien en doechenen: kohaniem spreken priesterzegen uit op Rosj Chodesj by Mr. R. Vis. (Dutch)
The minhag of Machatsit hashekel in our community (JBS)
What is the month's name: "Av" or "Menacheem"? (JBS
Zecher lachurban in the Snoge (the fairytale about the splinter). (JBS)
Pregăos – announcements in Portuguese during the service (JBS)
About the Piyut for the Chatan (groom) פיוט לחתן (JBS)
Transition "Barechenu Abinu" (summer) to "Barech Alenu" (winter) in the Amida  (JBS), updated may 2024
Notes by S. Mendes Coutinho (Dutch) September 1944 - May 1945, a.o. about the secret Services during the war.
Essay by HPS on Bendigamos
About Tekubal Beratson – תקובל ברצון at the end of each prayer (JBS)


Recordings Chazzaut (NN)
Supplemental Recordings (AAV)
Supplements Musaph Rosh Hashana (SB) to NN tape 26
12 Kadish melodies (AAV) plus explanation
26 melodies (AAV) plus explanation
Melodies for Parasa (MRP) part 1 & part 2 and fully indexed
Various Parasa portions (ARP) on high melody and megilat Esther
Various melodies (SRP), mainly taken from family set of CDs
Various melodies (SAV
Various recordings (DIR), including many for Simchat Tora
Various recordings
All haftarot & Parasot (NRP) and others)
An interview (in Dutch) with Chacham Pereira on the use of Spanish & Portuguese in Amsterdam (SRP)
Recordings Santo Servicio
Some video clips recorded during the Corona crises 2020-5780
Albert Gomes de Mesquita (ז"ל 1930-2020): bessam (ברכת המזון):
תהלת, ברכת המזון, מה שאכלנו, כי השביע

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Recordings   NN

Tape 1 Weekday morning service

Tape 1b

Weekday morning service - continued

Tape 2

Completion of weekday services; beginning Friday evening

Tape 2b

Friday night continued; beginning of Zemirot of Shabbat

Tape 3

Shabbat morning service until Shema'

Tape 3b

Shabbat morning service continued

Tape 4

Shabbat Musaf and Mincha

Tape 5

Festival services

Tape 5b

Festival Kadish and Kedusha

Tape 6

Pesach service

Tape 6b

Conclusion of Shir Hashirim

Tape 7


Tape 8

Conclusion of Rut; Sukkot

Tape 9

tape does not exist

Tape 10

Hosha'ana Rabbah, Shemini Chag 'Atzeret, Tikkun Hageshem

Tape 11

continued, Keter etc; Tzom Gedalia

Tape 12

Tzom Gedalia; 'Asara beTebet; Ta'anit Ester

Tape 13

Shib'a 'Asar beTamuz; Tish'a beAb

Tape 14

Tish'a beAb

Tape 15

Tish'a beAb

Tape 16

Tish'a beAb

Tape 17

Megilat Ester

Tape 18

tape does not exist

Tape 19

Rogativa; Rosh Chodesh; Shabbat Rosh Chodesh

Tape 20

Shabbat Rosh Chodesh; Chanukka; Purim

Tape 21

Parasha of Hatan Bereishit; Parasha of Hatan Torah

Tape 22

Haftarot of the three weeks; lezing

Tape 23

Haftara and Parasha chanting; Lamnatzeach at a lezing

Tape 24

Rosh Hashana

Tape 25

Rosh Hashana, Shachrit

Tape 26

Rosh Hashana, Musaf and Mincha

Tape 27

tape does not exist

Tape 28

Kippur, 'Arbit

Tape 29

Kippur, 'Arbit continued

Tape 30

Kippur, Zemirot, Shachrit

Tape 31

Kippur, Shachrit continued

Tape 32

Kippur, Musaf

Tape 33

Kippur, Musaf continued

Tape 34

Kippur, Mincha, Ne'ila

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List of 45 Supplemental Recordings by AAV, sorted per tape NN

Tape 1

Festive weekday Shira

Tape 2

Evening selichot

Tape 2

Festive weekday 'Arbit

Tape 2

Omer counting

Tape 2

Pesukim after Shachrit

Tape 2

Ve'asita 'Imahem Nissim

Tape 3

Dukhan on Shabbat

Tape 4


Tape 4

Hamabdil Motzaei Shaba

Tape 4

Lamna Binginot Motz Shaba

Tape 4

LeDavid Baruch

Tape 4

Shuba Motzaei Shaba

Tape 5

Festive Mi Khamokha in 'Arbit

Tape 5

Festive Veshameru

Tape 5

Hashem Malakh

Tape 5

Stuipen Kadish

Tape 5b

Awsome Nora Tehilot

Tape 5b

Dukhan on festivals

Tape 5b

Festive Moshe Ubnei in Shachrit

Tape 5b

Hallel, beginning and end

Tape 5b

High melody of Romemu

Tape 11

Congr singing Musaf Yom Tob

Tape 12

Pesukim in Techinot of T Ester

Tape 19

Birkat Hachodesh

Tape 20

Adon 'Olam on Purim

Tape 20

Mi Khamokha Shabbat Zakhor

Tape 20

Va'anachnu Nebarekh on Purim

Tape 24

Bakashot before selichot

Tape 24

Morning Selichot part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4

Tape 26

'Aleinu in Musaf Rosh Hashana

Tape 26

Hashem Bekol Shofar

Tape 26

Hayom Harat 'Olam, first

Tape 26

Malkhuyot part 1 , part 2

Tape 26

Pesukim of Tokea'

Tape 26


Tape 28

Congr response to Kal Nidrei

Tape 32

Aromimkha in Musaf Kippur

Tape 32

Congr recitations in 'Aboda

Tape 32

Kara El Hamezuman in 'Aboda

Tape 33

Viduy Musaf Kippur, begin

Tape 33

Yisrael 'Abadekha

Tape 34

Hamabdil in Ne'ila

Tape 34

Kedusha Mincha Kippur, intro

Tape 34

Kol Keli Yutzar 'Alayikh

Tape 34

Ya-a Shema' Ebyonekha

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Supplements Musaph Rosh Hashana (SB) to NN tape 26
Complete recording, in the background DZB, pages refer to Rosh Hashana book

page 96 Ochila
page 99 Ngalenu leshabeach
page 97 Keter day 1, Keter day 2
page 101 Hajom harat ngolam malchuyot
page 103 Hajom harat ngolam zichronot
page 105 Hajom harat ngolam shofarot

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Various melodies (SRP)

Some CDs are fully indexed below, the rest will follow in due time. Mind that the ordering of the recordings on the CDs is not always context-wise the logical order.

CD 1 - Tr 1 Simchat Tora, Shabbat & Bessam (Bircat Hamazon)
Simchat Tora: Shir laChatan, Kadish evening, Barechu evening, Kadish morning, Barechu morning, Kedusha
Shabbat: Kidush Friday night  Shirim (Zemirot): Tsur mishelo, Jom ze melody 1
: Een kelokenu, Tehilat, Ki Hisbia
CD 1 - Tr 2 Shabbat
Shirim (Zemirot): Jom ze melody 2, Ki eshmera, Kamti lehalel, Kidush Shabbat morning, Kidush Festivals
Shirim (Zemirot): Ka ribon (shabat afternoon before Tehilat)
Havdala, Hamavdil
CD 1 - Tr 3 Zemirot for Shabbat, Purim, Chanuka, various melodies:
Zemirot: Abarech, Todot Keel, Ameen Ameen, Ya Vendra
Purim song 1 (see more on this by BC on page 79), song 2 (text, taken from the booklet ספר שיר אמונים by משה די יהודא פיזא, Amsterdam 1773)
Chanuka lighting
Bessam: Zachor, last day Yom Tov, Rosh Hashana
Pesach (hagada) Besteet Yisrael (the Pereira family sings this before bessam)
Ne'ila: Keel Nora, Tehilat, Keter (also musaph except Shabbat)
CD 2 - Tr 1 Musaph Kippur part 1
Atanu, Abot-Geburot, Kedusha
CD 2 - Tr 2 Musaph Kippur part 2
Kedusha (continued), Keter, Ata kadosh, Ubchen, Ata bechartanu
CD 2 - Tr 3 Musaph Kippur part 3
Alenu, Seder avoda, Ata conanta
also listen to Seder avoda part which is missing in this set, in Ricardo collection (DIR)
CD 4 - Tr 1 Mussaf Kippur part 4 and Naila
Musaph: Vidui (part), 
Neila: Keel nora, Ashre, Kedusha, Keter, Vidui, Ata hibdalta, Hamabdil, Kol keli
CD 3 - Tr 1 Chatan bereshit (MRP) part 1
CD 3 - Tr 2 Chatan bereshit (MRP) part 2 Combined, the whole Parasa
CD 3 - Tr 3 Various recordings by unknown chazzan (note 1)
Halel - Hodu, Pesach - Tefilat Tal, Gadelu festive 1, festive 2, regular Hashibenu
CD 3 - Tr 4 Rosh hashana part 1:
Morning Kadish before Barechu, also for Kippur, 
Evening end Achot ketana Kadish following Achot ketana, both also on CD3-TR5
CD 3 - Tr 5 Rosh hashana shacharit part 2 (incl Hayom harat 3x), Shacharit Kippur
Rosh Hashana
   Evening: Achot ketana (end), kadish evening
   Musaph  Hayom hart olam: intro, Malchuyot, Zichronot, Shofarot
Kippur morning Zemirot: Veod ma, Vidui (part 1)
CD 3 - Tr 6 Shacharit Kippur (small part only):
Vidui Aval Ashamti (pg 56-58), Vidui Ribibo Shel Olam (pg 58)
CD 4 - Tr 1 Musaph Kippur part 4 - see above
CD 4 - Tr 2 9 Ab - Arbit:
למי אבכה, Avos, מה נשתנה ,עורה נא, Morir havemos
האזינו, וארץ שפל רומי, שכינה צועקת, דממו שרפים, עד מתי, איכה צאן, שאי קינה, גרושים, אש תוקד
CD 4 - Tr 3 9 Ab - Shacharit אלי עדתי
CD 4 - Tr 4 9 Ab - Shacharit יום אכפי
CD 4 - Tr 5 9 Ab - Shacharit בת עמי
CD 5 - Tr 1 9 Ad - Shacharit from "Kol yelala":
קול יללה, היכל ה', אלה אזכרה, אמרה ציון, קומי וספדי
נחמו ... אשכול כופר, נחמו ... דברו
CD 5 - Tr 2 9 Ab - Mincha continued נחמו (recording above)
CD 6 - Tr 1 Chupa, recorded at the hupa of MRP to Thea Gomes de Mesquita on 26 June 1960. Chazzan is LAV.
ברוך הבא, הודו, קרבנות - אשרי, תכון, קדיש, עמידה
Derasha (SRP, Haham and father of the Chatan, private)
CD 6 - Tr 2 Derasha continued (private)
CD 6 - Tr 3 Derasha continued (private)
Erussin: ברכות, הרי את, מקודשת בסימן טוב
Nissuin:  שבע ברכות, הודו
CD 6 - Tr 4 Mi sheberach till end (chazzan is LAV)
מי שברך, שיר המעלות, אדון עולם
Other sources
Kiddush Shabbat
High festivals
RH Arvit
RH Musaph (היום הרת עולם)
Kippur Shacharit beginning
Kippur Shacharit וידוי 
Kippur Musaph beginning till end עלינו
Kippur Musaph סדר עבודה (incomplete)
Kippur Musaph וידוי (incomplete)
Kippur Ne'ila
Pizmon א'ל נורא

Note 1: We don't know who sung these melodies and unfortunately, there is nobody with us anymore who can identify the voice. Being it part of the Pereira collection and not being SRP nor his son MRP, it may have been Dr. E.A. Rodrigues Pereira, an older brother of Haham SRP. Mind that Dr. Pereira dictated music, written down in notes by Hans Krieg, in 1947, see DP-HK13. (top part shown below).


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Various melodies (SAV)

Recording 1 Rosh Hashana, detailed breakdown
Recording 2 Kol nidre, detailed breakdown
Recording 3 Tora reading (parasa), haftara & kidush Shabbat, detailed breakdown

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Various melodies (ARP)

Shirat Hayam (בשלח)
10 commandments, (יתרו) 
10 commandments, Shabbat Nachamu (ואתחנן)
Chatan Torah, Simchat Torah (וזאת הברכה)
Megilat Esther, Purim

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Various recordings

AAV Hashcaba (memorial-prayer) for the Auto Da Fe
NN NN Adon Ngolam 'badkamer' (high & normal)
Duque Chanuka: Hanerot halalu (recorded 1930's)
DNN Simchat Torah: Tekubal
JBS Duchan: beracha, blessing & blessing high, shofar
HRP Berit Mila: various part 1,  (similar recording) part 2, part 3
AAV Limud psalm 15, psalm 100, psalm 133-134, misnayot part 1, part 2, part 3 & part 4
LAV Mistwa (levaya)
JBS Nagrbit Abil: psalm 49
JBS Kippur: end of Nengila
JBS Chupa - 7 berachot
D. Sondervan Haftarah Vayera (part), 1956 (brother of JBS)
SAV Haftarah Nachamu, 1939, original recording and noise-reduced version
NBS Haftara first berachot, haftara, goalenu, last berachot

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Recordings Santo Servicio

Baruch Haba (courtesy NIK Media)
WMV file (not supported on some platforms)
Better resolution (mp4 file).
These choir members are in close up (left, right):
A. Jesssurun Cardozo & L. Bolle, D. Samama, B. Mehler (conductor), A. Betsalel & B. Palache, J. Sondervan (JBS)
12 melodies
Mizmor Ledavid (Barry Mehler)

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Sheet music

Emanuel Aguilar 70 melodies
Santo Servicio 30 melodies (recordings by the new choir, started in 2003)
Ets Haim music collection 15 melodies
David Ricardo (DIR) 16 melodies
A Lopes Cardozo  12 melodies, incl cantillationsLimud

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Reference to the source required at all times.        Page last update: 22 mei, 2024